A focus on trying to boost conversions using your design portfolio is not commonly associated with web design portfolios. However why not? The main purpose of a portfolio is usually to get more business or even snag you a full-time job. There are a few things that have become well-known to increase “conversions” of business websites. No matter what niche you are in and it’s all about building trust.
By conversion, I mean a visitor completing an action such as filling out a contact form, or other action. This could be the point where they actually sign a contract, for example. What the conversion actually is, is up to you.
The increase in crappy web designers who are making a mess of the web means it is getting harder and harder for web designers to build trust in new website visitors. You also have way more competition, so a good portfolio may not always be enough. This is needed to give yourself an edge. Focus on making it easy for people to understand why they should pick you over others.
The five ideas below can be easily implemented into any web design portfolio or business site in a few hours. They will help you secure many more clients in the long run.
Facts and statistics
People love facts and statistics, so if you have data on how your designs actually improved your clients business, be sure to mention it on your website. This is an often forgotten method to to boost conversions using your design portfolio.
For example, if you created a new landing page design and the new design increased conversions by 60%, then you should mention that in your portfolio under that project’s information and also in a case study if you create one as noted below.
Every piece in your portfolio should have at least one large image, a title, description (which should include facts and statistics) and a link to the live website if possible.
The more information you have, the more your potential new clients will begin to trust that you are the right designer for the job.
Customer testimonials
Client testimonials are one of the easiest and most commonly used ways to to boost conversions using your design portfolio. People love reading reviews because it gives them peace of mind, especially if they trust the person or business giving you the review. Even if your clients are not “well-known” don’t be afraid to ask your clients for testimonials and be sure to ask for permission to put them on your site.
Adding pictures of the client or even creating short video reviews is a bonus if you can get them because it gives a face to the person reviewing you and makes the testimonials feel more “real” than compared to plain old text. Testimonials can fit almost anywhere on your site. Your best one could go on your home page and more on a testimonials, press or about page.
One to three testimonials is a good minimum number, however more is even better. Just don’t go overboard or people may think you are lying because you have SO MANY positive testimonials.
News and awards
It’s always a great feeling to get mentioned positively in the press, win an award or accomplish a major goal. So let your potential clients know about it! A big part of making yourself and your business successful is becoming well-known and a leader in your community. If people know who you are, respect you and love your work you will have a big edge over the competition. This will absolutely help to to boost conversions using your design portfolio.
Setting up a press page is a great place to post mentions in the news. And interviews, awards and anything else notable about yourself or your company.
Even things such as publishing a book, or your designs being used somewhere or featured on a website would be great to put on your press page. If you have a blog you should also post about any of these happenings there to get even more exposure.
You should also consider setting up Google Alerts for your name or business name. You can see when people mention you on the web. It’s also a useful way to get the heads up on negative press so you can better manage your brand online.
Case studies
Case studies are similar to testimonials, however think of them as extended versions. They should be at least 300 words long and include a wealth of information such as who the client was, what their site was like before, what you did to change the site. Ideally also mention how your design helped the client, statistics, quotes, images and anything else you can think of.
It should be an in-depth summary of your project and should be featured on a case studies page with others. You could publish them on your blog as a way to get traffic and link them from your main portfolio section.
Trust badges
Trust badges and graphics are a great way to make your website visitors trust you. There are many different types of graphics you can use. Such as secure payment graphics, anti hacker graphics, design organisation membership graphics, award graphics and more.
It is usually best to display them in a prominent location such as your website header and footer. Also include some of them like awards graphics to be placed on your press or about pages.
In Summary
Simply put, all of the above is just great content to have on your website. They can enhance your designs, as well as to boost conversions using your design portfolio. Some people are happy enough with seeing good designs, however others want data, data and more data, especially if they are going to be dishing out big bucks for a large website, digital marketing or other work.